Xue Qin completes PhD and takes up position at Central China Normal University

Xue Qin successfully defended her PhD dissertation《晚清教育官员的群体构成与仕途流动(1850-1911)》——以<缙绅录>数据库为中心》(The Composition and Career Dynamics of Late Qing Educational Officials) in May 2022 at Central China Normal University School of History and Culture and has accepted an appointment as Lecturer at the Central China Normal University School of Marxism. Congratulations Xue Qin!


Interview of James Lee by Alan Macfarlane in 2002

In 2002, when James Lee and Cameron Campbell and other group members were conducting fieldwork in Liaoning, they were accompanied by Alan Macfarlane and Sarah Harrison. Macfarlane interviewed James Lee. We just learned that the interview had been posted in its entirety on Youtube, apparently in 2012. This is a remarkably complete recap of our work up through 2002.


Matt Noellert begins new position as Associate Professor of Asian Economic History at Hitotsubashi University

Lee-Campbell Group member, Matthew Noellert, has taken up a new Associate Professor position at Hitotsubashi University in Kunitachi, Tokyo, Japan, beginning September 1, 2020. Hitotsubashi specializes in social sciences and is one of the best universities in Japan for economic research. Hitotsubashi is also famous for being one of the top four most selective universities in Japan (based on entrance exam score).

Matt is honored to join Hitotsubashi’s prestigious Faculty of Economics. He looks forward to expanding his research on rural reconstruction to include comparisons between northeast China and other regions within China, as well as international comparisons with Japan and Korea.

Matt earned his PhD at HKUST in 2014, studying with James Lee and Cameron Campbell. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Shanxi University 2014-2016 working with Long XING and Yingze HU and an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at the University of Iowa from 2016-2020.


New Milestones for Chen Liang

New milestones for Chen Liang, a 2019 青年拔尖人才 Outstanding Young Talent.  Nanjing University promoted Chen to Full Professor of History in Fall 2019, and to  Associate Dean of the College of History in charge of research and graduate training in Spring 2020.

Congratulations Chen!

Lee-Campbell Group celebrates Xiao Xing’s retirement and contributions


James Lee and Xiao Xing

On December 13, 2019, the Lee-Campbell Group held a dinner in Beijing in honor of Xiao Xing, who retired in 2018 after working with us for 20 years.

Xiao Xing was the first coder we engaged in mainland China in 1998 after we decided to move our data entry there. She helped enter material for many of our databases, including but not limited to the CMGPD-LN, CMGPD-SC and more recently the CGED-Q. She also helped with the training of new coders. Her feedback also played a role in the specification of protocols for data entry.

James Lee, Cameron Campbell, Bijia Chen and our coders in Beijing.

It has been a tremendous pleasure to work with Xiao Xing for two decades. We are grateful for all of her contributions and wish her the best in her retirement.


PhD student Bijia Chen graduates, begins postdoc at Renmin University Department of History

Bijia Chen successfully defended her PhD dissertation on October 25, 2019. The title of her dissertation is “Origins and Career Patterns of the Qing Government Officials (1850-1912): Evidence from the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q)”. Cameron Campbell was her primary advisor, James Lee was her co-advisor, and Yongshun Cai, Lawrence Zhang and Matthew Mosca served as examiners. Bijia also earned her MPhil in Social Science at HKUST. For her PhD studies she has been supported by an HKPFS.

In December 2019, Bijia started as a postdoc at the Department of History at Renmin University.

Congratulations Bijia!


Hao Dong appointed as Assistant Professor at Peking University

We are pleased to report that Lee-Campbell group member and PhD graduate Hao DONG has taken up a position as an Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Social Research, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Concurrently, he has been selected as a Boya Young Fellow (博雅青年学者). He is the first Boya Young Fellow to be appointed in humanities and social science at Peking University.

Hao plans to continue his comparative research on social inequality and family demography. For his studies, he makes use of such large-scale, longitudinal historical population administrative microdata as the Lee-Campbell group’s China Multigenerational Panel Databases as well as contemporary census and survey data.

Hao has eight peer-reviewed publications in English and four peer-reviewed publications in Chinese. His English-language work has appeared in Demography, Social Science and Medicine, Demographic Research, Evolution and Human Behavior, and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. His Chinese language work has appeared in 文史哲, 社会学研究, 历史研究, 社会.

Before joining Peking University, Hao was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China and Postdoctoral Affiliate at the Office of Population Research (OPR) and Department of Sociology, Princeton University. As a postdoc at Princeton he was supervised by Yu Xie and they continue to collaborate.

Hao earned his PhD in Social Science at HKUST in 2016, supervised by James Lee with support from Cameron Campbell. While a PhD student at HKUST he was supported by the Hong Kong Postgraduate Fellowship Scheme.

Hao Dong’s website: http://www.hdong.net/

Lee-Campbell Group Celebrates Professor SUN Huicheng’s Retirement and Contributions

On January 10, the Lee Campbell Group gathered for a celebratory lunch to congratulate Professor Sun Huicheng on her retirement and thank her for her many contributions to Group research.

The lunch was held at 南来顺饭庄(南菜园店) in Beijing.  Attendees from left to right starting with the upper row include Chen Weiran, Li Xiulan, Yunzhu Ren, Xiangning Li, Jiyang, Zhao Mi, Ge Xiaodong, Cameron Campbell, Xiao Xing,  James Z. Lee, and Sun Huicheng.  Matthew Noellert was also present but had to leave early to return to the USA.

Previously on the faculty of 中国海洋大学 China’s Ocean University in Qingdao, Professor Sun joined the Lee-Campbell Group in December 1999. Over the next seventeen years she made continuous important research contributions working with an enthusiasm and energy level that inspired and touched us all.

We would like to express our appreciation here for everything that Professor Sun has done for us.