Author: Cameron Campbell
CGED-Q JSL receives Best Project Award (最佳项目奖 ) at China Digital Humanities 2022 Annual Meeting
We are pleased to report that the China Government Employee-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu (JSL) dataset was one of four to receive the Best Project Award (最佳项目奖 ) at the China Digital Humanities 2022 Annual Meeting held at Renmin University on November 26 and 27. For more information about the award, please see the final report of…
Video of Cameron Campbell’s talk on Qing Officialdom in the HKU Quantitative History series
Cameron Campbell presented a talk on Qing officaldom in the Hong Kong University Quantitative history series in November 2022. The video has been upload to Youtube:
Chinese Translation of Campbell’s and Lee’s Historical Chinese Microdata: 40 Years of Dataset Construction by the Lee-Campbell Research Group
A Chinese translation of Cameron Campbell’s and James Lee’s Historical Life Course Studies paper “Historical Chinese Microdata. 40 Years of Dataset Construction by the Lee-Campbell Research Group” is forthcoming in a volume of Big Data and the Study of Chinese History 大数据与中国历史研究. The title of the translation is 中国历史量化微观大数据:李中清–康文林团队40年学术回顾. This paper reviews all of our…
New paper on nominative linkage in the CGED-Q in Historical Life Course Studies
Cameron Campbell and Bijia Chen published a paper “Nominative Linkage of Records of Officials in the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q)” in Historical Life Course Studies. It shares their experience with nominative linkage in the CGED-Q. It is intended to be useful to others who are engaged in large-scale, automated nominative linkage (disambiguation) of individuals…
Xue Qin completes PhD and takes up position at Central China Normal University
Xue Qin successfully defended her PhD dissertation《晚清教育官员的群体构成与仕途流动(1850-1911)》——以<缙绅录>数据库为中心》(The Composition and Career Dynamics of Late Qing Educational Officials) in May 2022 at Central China Normal University School of History and Culture and has accepted an appointment as Lecturer at the Central China Normal University School of Marxism. Congratulations Xue Qin!
Xue Qin publishes lead-authored article on officials in the Ministry of Personnel in the late Qing using the CGED-Q
Xue Qin published a lead-authored article on officials in the Ministry of Personnel in the late Qing that uses the CGED-Q. The title of the article is 清季改革视阈下吏部官员群体的人事递嬗与结构变迁(1898—1911)——以《缙绅录》数据库为中心 Change and Constancy: The Personnel Evolution and Structural Change of the Ministry of Personnel during the Reform in Qing Dynasty —— Based on China Government Employee Database…
CGED-Q Jinshenlu 1850-1864 Public Release now available
We just made available for download the China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu 1850-1864 Public Release.This release consists of 341,092 quarterly records of 37,632 (by our linkage) officials who served between 1850 to 1864. The information is drawn from 26 quarterly editions. We chose 1850-1864 as the next period for a release since it includes…
Resources for users of the CGED-Q JSL Public Release
Cameron Campbell created a page at his website to share code that may be useful when managing or analyzing the CGED-Q Jinshenlu Public Release. This includes code to create flag variables to help with the selection of records for analysis, as well as code for transforming, cleaning or re-categorizing the contents of key variables.
Github repository with code for the CMGPD Public Release
We created a repository to share the STATA code that processes the original CMGPD data from the Excel spreadsheets produced by our coders and turns it into the working file that is the basis of our analysis and the public release available at ICPSR. This is intended to help users of the data better understand…
Major phase of data entry for the China Government Employee Database-Qing Jinshenlu (CGED-Q JSL) completed
In November 2021, our coders completed the entry of virtually all the quarterly editions of the rosters of Qing civil officials 縉紳錄 and military officials 中樞備覧 available to the Lee-Campbell Group, including all the editions from the published Tsinghua University Library collection and other editions from the Columbia University and Harvard University libraries, as well…