Tag: public release
CGED-Q JSL 1760-1798 Draft Release
We have made available a draft release of the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu (JSL) 1760-1798 data at the HKUST Dataspace: https://dataspace.hkust.edu.hk/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.14711/dataset/E9GKRS We expect to release a final version later in the year reflected corrections to any problems identified by users. We are grateful to Xue Qing and Bijia Chen who spotted issues with…
CGED-Q Jinshenlu 1850-1864 Public Release now available
We just made available for download the China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu 1850-1864 Public Release.This release consists of 341,092 quarterly records of 37,632 (by our linkage) officials who served between 1850 to 1864. The information is drawn from 26 quarterly editions. We chose 1850-1864 as the next period for a release since it includes…