Hao Dong publishes a new Chinese article in 社会学研究 on the effect of China’s cooling-off period policy on trends in divorce registration

Hao Dong has just published a single-authored paper in the top Chinese-language sociology journal 社会学研究 (Sociological Studies) titled 此情或可待:“离婚冷静期”规定对离婚登记数量趋势的影响 (A Wait Perhaps Worthwhile:The Influence of a “Cooling-off” Period on Trends in Divorce Registration)

Here is the Chinese abstract and English translation:


This study examines the influence of a 30-day “cooling-off” period policy on trends in divorce registration,shedding light on the intervention on certain unmeasurable subjective factors-including impulsiveness-in divorce decisionmaking in China. The analysis employs province-quarter-level data of divorce registration from the Ministry of Civil Affairs in 2018-2021 and further incorporates data from the National Bureau of Statistics,China Judgements Online,and the Baidu Index. Based on the policy evaluation methods,such as the event-study and difference-in-differences,evidence consistently suggests a substantial influence of the policy,which reduces 10.3-13.2 thousand divorces per province per quarter on average,amounting to a decline of 33-42% compared to the previous three years. Moreover,the influence appears to be greater in provinces with more previously divorced couples restoring their marriages,more divorces between young couples,or more internet searches about the policy and divorce-related information,highlighting some potential mechanisms underlying the intervention.

Congratulations Hao Dong!

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Hao Dong publishes a new article in Demography on post-1900 trends in educational assortative marriage in China

Hao Dong and his collaborator Yu Xie have published a paper in Demography titled “Trends in Educational Assortative Marriage in China Over the Past Century.”

Here is the abstract:

In the past century, China has undergone rapid and dramatic social and economic changes. This article describes trends in educational assortative marriages of cohorts born in 1906–1995 in China. We measure educational attainment relatively as an individual’s percentile position in the education distribution of a 10-year birth cohort and study trends using comparable, easy-to-interpret couple rank-rank correlations. We analyze microdata samples from the 1982, 1990, 2000, and 2010 China censuses and the 2015 1% intercensus survey and nationally representative surveys between 1996 and 2018. We find a large and steady increase in educational assortative marriage over the past century, except among those born in 1946–1965, whose schooling and marriage were impacted by the Cultural Revolution. Our study highlights the critical roles of social, political, and economic contexts in shaping trends in educational assortative marriage.

Congratulations Hao Dong and Yu Xie!

Hao Dong publishes a new article in PNAS on social mobility trends in post-revolution China

Hao Dong, together with Yu Xie, Xiang Zhou, and Xi Song published a new article “Trends in social mobility in postrevolution China” in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Hao is a co-corresponding author on this article. Xi Song is an alumnae of the Lee-Campbell Group and has previously co-authored with Cameron Campbell and James Lee.

Here is the abstract:

In this paper, we study long-term trends in social mobility in the People’s Republic of China since its inception in 1949, with two operationalizations: 1) intergenerational occupational mobility and 2) intergenerational educational mobility. We draw on an accumulation of administrative and survey data and provide comparable estimates of these measures for birth cohorts born after 1945. To help interpret the results, we compare trends in China to those in the United States for the same birth cohorts. We find an increase in intergenerational occupational mobility in China due to its rapid industrialization in recent decades. Net of industrialization, however, intergenerational occupational mobility has been declining for recent cohorts. Intergenerational educational mobility in China shows a similar declining trend. In addition, mobility patterns have differed greatly by gender, with women in earlier cohorts and from a rural origin particularly disadvantaged. We attribute the general decline in social mobility to market forces that have taken hold since China’s economic reform that began in 1978. In contrast, social mobility by both measures has been relatively stable in the United States. However, while social mobility in China has trended downward, it is still higher than that in the United States, except for women’s educational mobility.

Full reference:

Xie, Yu, Hao Dong, Xiang Zhou, and Xi Song. 2022. “Trends in social mobility in postrevolution China.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 7, 

Hao Dong publishes a new article in the History of the Family on adopted children’s survival differentials and gender differences in Tokugawa Japan

Hao Dong and our long-time collaborator and friend Satomi Kurosu have just published a paper in the History of the Family titled “Gendered survival differentials of adopted children in northeast Japan, 1716–1870

Here is the abstract:

Adoption was an important strategy for early-modern Japanese families to function and continue. This study is the first to systematically examine whether survival chances differ between adopted and non-adopted children and how gender moderates the survival differentials in historical Japan. We take advantage of individual-level panel data drawn from local household registers in northeast villages and towns between 1716 and 1870 consisting of 71,677 annual observations of 10,587 children aged 1–14, of whom 384 were adopted. Our event-history analysis takes a rich set of household characteristics and local economic context into account. We also apply matching and within-family comparison approaches to account for the unequal sex and age distribution of records between adopted and non-adopted children and unobserved systematic differences between households. We find substantial survival differentials between adopted and non-adopted children, which further vary by sex. Compared with non-adopted children of the same gender, adopted boys enjoyed survival advantages, while adopted girls suffered from elevated mortality risks. Moreover, the gendered survival differentials of adopted children were particularly apparent among those aged 5–9 rather than at older ages. In line with the patriarchal norms, these findings imply potentially different familial expectations for boy and girl adoptions in shaping child survival differentials.

Congratulations Hao and Satomi!


Dong Hao publishes new article in Chinese Sociological Review on family background effects on labor market outcomes of first-generation college graduates in China

Dong Hao and his collaborator Fan Xiaoguang have just published a paper in Chinese Sociological Review titled “What enables the “meritocratic power” of a college degree? Changing labor market outcomes of first-generation college graduates in post-revolution China.”

Here is the abstract:

Taking advantage of changes in college admissions and the labor market in post-revolution China, this study sheds light on the institutional conditions under which a college degree may “equalize” the influence of family educational background on labor market outcomes. We examine differences in the first job’s occupational attainment and economic returns between first-generation, second-generation, and non-college graduates. We compare birth cohorts with distinctive experiences, some of whom entered college through political recommendation while others did so through objective examination, and some of whom attained their first job through state assignment while others did so through market matching. We find that a college degree only equalized occupational attainment in cohort 1980–1992, who experienced expanded test-based admissions and a developed labor market. Within-occupation economic returns were equalized in cohort 1966–1979, who experienced test-based admissions and yet an underdeveloped labor market, but appeared to be unequal again in cohort 1980–1992, echoing rising social inequality.

Congratulations Dong Hao and Fan Xiaoguang!


PRC Ministry of Education awards Lee-Campbell Group article an Excellent Research Achievement Award

The Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China awarded Chen Liang, Hao Dong, James Z. Lee, 2015,  <量化数据库与历史研究> (Big Historical Data and New Directions in Historical Research) 《历史研究》(Historical Research). Vol 2 (April 2015): 113-128 a 优秀青年成果奖 (Excellent Young Scholar Research Achievement Prize). This is the eighth triennial Excellent Research Achievement Award competition and the first to distinguish young scholars, below age 40, from more senior scholars.  Altogether 11 history publications, including nine books and only two articles, received this recognition.

Here is the official announcement at the PRC Ministry of Education website.

《江山代有才人出,各领风骚数十年:中国精英教育四段论,1865-2014》wins a prize

The Jiangsu Academy of Social Science awarded 梁 晨 (Chen LIANG), 董浩(Hao DONG), 任韵竹 (Bamboo Y. REN), 李中清 (James Z. Lee).《江山代有才人出,各领风骚数十年:中国精英教育四段论,1865-2014》. 《社会学研究》第三期(May/June): 48-70, a 2017 third prize (三等奖) for Outstanding Achievement in Philosophy and Social Science. This is the second such recognition in the last five years by the Jiangsu Academy of Lee Campbell Research Group scholarship and our tenth best book, best article, or choice award from a scholarly organization.

Paper on interethnic marriage during the Qing designated “Editor’s Choice” by the journal Demographic Research

The paper “Interethnic marriage in Northeast China, 1866-1913” co-authored by current Lee-Campbell group PhD student Bijia Chen, Lee-Campbell group PhD graduate Dong Hao (now an Assistant Professor at Peking University) and Cameron Campbell that was published this year in Demographic Research has been named Editor’s Choice by the journal’s editorial board as one of the best papers published in volume 38. The paper examines patterns of intermarriage between Han and Manchu in a frontier population in northeast China from the mid-19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. It finds that intermarriage between the two groups was not uncommon and also increased over time. The chances of intermarriage depended on village and family context as well as individual socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. The article is available Open Access here:


The complete list of Editor’s Choice papers is available here:


Hao Dong appointed as Assistant Professor at Peking University

We are pleased to report that Lee-Campbell group member and PhD graduate Hao DONG has taken up a position as an Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Social Research, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Concurrently, he has been selected as a Boya Young Fellow (博雅青年学者). He is the first Boya Young Fellow to be appointed in humanities and social science at Peking University.

Hao plans to continue his comparative research on social inequality and family demography. For his studies, he makes use of such large-scale, longitudinal historical population administrative microdata as the Lee-Campbell group’s China Multigenerational Panel Databases as well as contemporary census and survey data.

Hao has eight peer-reviewed publications in English and four peer-reviewed publications in Chinese. His English-language work has appeared in Demography, Social Science and Medicine, Demographic Research, Evolution and Human Behavior, and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. His Chinese language work has appeared in 文史哲, 社会学研究, 历史研究, 社会.

Before joining Peking University, Hao was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China and Postdoctoral Affiliate at the Office of Population Research (OPR) and Department of Sociology, Princeton University. As a postdoc at Princeton he was supervised by Yu Xie and they continue to collaborate.

Hao earned his PhD in Social Science at HKUST in 2016, supervised by James Lee with support from Cameron Campbell. While a PhD student at HKUST he was supported by the Hong Kong Postgraduate Fellowship Scheme.

Hao Dong’s website: http://www.hdong.net/