
Books authored or co-authored by group members

All Outputs, 2010-Present

Since 2010, members of the Lee-Campbell Group have produced over 80 academic publications, including 7 single and co-authored books and 1 edited volume. Many of these are based on our various ongoing group research projects and make use of the associated datasets. Others are from other projects not associated with the Lee-Campbell group in which group members are involved and include co-authors who are not group members. Please see the curriculum vitae for James Lee and Cameron Campbell for publications beyond the last fourteen years. Please also see the four decade retrospective by Campbell and Lee published in 2020 which summarizes all their projects as well as many of their publications going back to the 1980s.

ProjectAuthorTitleGenreSource/Journal/Publisher/ Volume


Shengbin Wei 韦圣彬Institutional, social, and household determinants of reproduction in Northeast China, 1789-1906 LINKArticleHistory of the Family20241-33
CGED-Q陈俊(Chen Jun),康文林(Cameron Campbell)清后期中下层武官的满汉比例与出身构成 LINKArticle历史档案20243104-112
梁晨 (Chen LIANG)1909—1944年清华留美学生职业状况量化研究 LINK Article近代史研究2024421-43
CUSD-PRCEmma Zang, Yining Milly Yang, 李中清 (James Z. Lee)Parents’ Industrial Sectors and Fields of Study: Five Decades of Evidence from an Elite Regional University in China LINKArticleSociology20246061281-1304
CUSD-ROC梁晨 (Chen LIANG), 李中清 (James Z. Lee)社会转型与中国近代女大学生的教育样态 LINKArticle中国社会科学(Social Sciences in China)20246162-183
CGED-Q康文林 (Cameron Campbell) and 高帅奇(Gao Shuaiqi)清代文官的组织人口学研究, 1830-1911 (The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1911) LINKArticle社会科学研究 (Social Science Research)2024 1157-169
CGED-QBurke, Adam T., Sander J. J. Leemans, Moe T. Wynn, and Cameron D. CampbellState Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants LINK ArticleThe proceedings of the 2023 5th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM), Rome, Italy, October 23-272023   
 Dong, Hao and Yu XieTrends in Educational Assortative Marriage in China over the Past Century LINKArticleDemography
梁晨 (Chen LIANG),任韵竹 (Bamboo Y. REN), 李中清 (James Z. Lee)民国大学生学业与家庭关系研究 LINKArticle
教育史研究Educational Research2023
陈必佳 (Bijia Chen) and 康文林 (Cameron Campbell)数字人文”与清代官员仕途研究 (“Digital Humanities” and the Study of Career Trajectories of Qing Officials) LINKArticle
史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science)2023
Lee, James, Bamboo Ren and Chen Liang.
Meritocracy and the Making of the Chinese Academe Redux, 1912-1952 LINKArticle
Michael Szonyi and Tarun Khanna, Eds. Making Meritocracy: Lessons from China and India, from antiquity to the present. Oxford University Press.
Cameron Campbell and Bijia Chen
Campbell, Cameron and Bijia Chen. 2022. Nominative Linkage of Records of Officials in the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q). 12, 233–259. LINKArticle
Historical Life Course Studies 2022
 CGED-Q薛勤 (Xue Qin) and 康文林 (Cameron Campbell)清季改革视阈下吏部官员群体的人事递嬗与结构变迁(1898—1911)——以《缙绅录》数据库为中心 Change and Constancy: The Personnel Evolution and Structural Change of the Ministry of Personnel during the Reform in Qing Dynasty  —— Based on China Government Employee Database – Qing (CGED-Q) LinkArticle
社会科学研究 (Social Science Research)2022
CGED-Q陳必佳 (Chen Bijia) “中国历史官员量化数据库-清代” 的建设过程,现状与前景 (The Construction, Current Status and Future Prospects of the China Government Employee Database-Qing)Article付海宴Ed. 大数据与中国历史研究. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社. 31-44.20213 31-44
 李中清 (James Lee)大数据与中国社会经济史 Article 付海宴Ed. 大数据与中国历史研究. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.20213  145-149
 梁晨 (Liang Chen)如何做好的量化历史研究Article 付海宴Ed. 大数据与中国历史研究. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.20213  161-167
 任玉雪 (Ren Yuxue)在定量分析与传统史学研究方法之间Article 付海宴Ed. 大数据与中国历史研究. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.20213  150-157
CUSD-ROC杨莉 (Yang Li)金陵大学学生来源与毕业走向(1928—1937)Article 付海宴Ed. 大数据与中国历史研究. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.20213  125-141
 薛勤 (Xue Qin)《拓务统计》与日本殖民统治Article 付海宴Ed. 大数据与中国历史研究. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.20213  171-176
CUSD-ROC, CUSD-OS, and CPOD-UEChen Liang 梁晨, Bamboo Y. Ren 任韵竹, and James Z. Lee 李中清 民国大学生地理来源量化考析 (A Quantitative Analysis of the Birth Places of University Students in Republican China) LINKArticle
《近代史研究》(Modern Chinese History Studies) 2021
 3 (May)
 Dong Hao and Fan Xiaoguang
What enables the “meritocratic power” of a college degree? Changing labor market outcomes of first-generation college graduates in post-revolution China LINKArticle
Chinese Sociological Review
 53 4 382-408
Wang Yifang, Hongye Liang, Xinhuan Shu, Jiachen Wang, Ke Xu, Zikun Deng, Cameron Campbell, Bijia Chen, Yingcai Wu and Huamin QuInteractive Visual Exploration of Longitudinal Historical Career Mobility Data.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
2021 Early Access
14 pp.
胡存璐 (Hu Cunlu)、胡恒 (Heng Hu)、陈必佳 (Bijia Chen)、and 康文林 (Cameron Campbell)清代州的政区分等与知州选任的量化分析 (Quantitative Analysis on the Local Government Administrative Categorization System and the Appointment of Department Prefects During the Qing).
数字人文研究 (Digital Humanities Research)2021
CUSD-ROC; CUSD-OS; CPOD-UEBamboo Y. Ren, Chen Liang, James Z. LeeMeritocracy and the Making of the Chinese Academe, 1912-1952
ArticleChina Quarterly2020244
 December 942-968
 梁晨民国大学教职员工生活水平与社会结构研究 A Study of the Living Standards and Social Structure of University Faculty and Staff in the Republic of China: Focusing on Tsinghua CampusBook 北京科技出版社 (Beijing Science Press)2020  340 pp.
CRRD-LRNoellert, MattPower over Property: The Political Economy of Communist Land Reform in China
Power over Property (
BookUniversity of Michigan Press2020  358 pp.
CGED-Q胡恆(Hu Heng), 陳必佳(Bijia Chen) and 康文林(Cameron D. Campbell) 清代知府選任的空間與量化分析——以政區分等、《縉紳錄》數據庫為中心 (The Appointment of Prefects during the Qing —- A Spatial and Quantitative Analysis Focusing on the System of Administrative Division and Using the CGED-Q).
新亞學報 (New Asia Journal)2020
 Cameron D. Campbell and James Z. LeeHistorical Chinese Microdata. 40 Years of Dataset Construction by the Lee-Campbell Research Group. Life Course Studies202010Special Issue 1 
CGED-Q康文林 (Cameron D. Campbell)清末科举停废对士人文官群体的影响——基于微观大数据的宏观新视角 (The Influence of the Abolition of the Examinations at the End of the Qing on the Holders of Exam Degrees). CNKIArticle社会科学辑刊20204249156-166
CGED-QChen, Bijia, Cameron Campbell, Yuxue Ren, and James LeeBig Data for the Study of Qing Officialdom: The China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q). of Chinese History20204Special Issue 2431-460
CRRD-SQXing, Long, Cameron Campbell, Xiangning Li, Matthew Noellert, James Z. LeeEducation, class and assortative marriage in rural Shanxi, China in the mid-twentieth centuryArticleResearch in Social Stratification and Mobility202066April1-15
 Raymo, James M. and Hao DongParental Resources and Child Well-Being in East Asia: An OverviewIntro to special issueChinese Journal of Sociology202062197-218
OTALDing Guan, Zhou Zhong, Hamish Coates, Liu Liu, and James Z. LeeEducation Innovation Through Online And Mobile LearningBook chapterInnovations in Asian Higher Education / Edited By Zhou Zhong, Hamish Coates, Shi Jinghuan. London : Routledge.2019  Chapter 4,
CGED-Q陈必佳 (Bijia Chen)再论《缙绅录》记载的准确性及其史料价值Article清史研究2019 4129-133
 郭爽;梁晨留守还是西迁:抗战时期金陵大学的迁移抉择Article民国研究2019 1174-190
OTAL梁晨 (Chen LIANG),董浩 (Hao DONG),李中清 (James Z. Lee)从绘一幅画到做一幕戏:互联网时代历史教研新动向探微Article文史哲2018 6121-134
CMGPDFu, Siwei, Hao Dong, Weiwei Cui, Jian Zhao, and Huamin QuHow Do Ancestral Traits Shape Family Trees Over Generations?ArticleIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics2018241205-214
CMGPDChen, Bijia, Cameron Campbell, and Hao DongInterethnic Marriage in Northeast China, 1866-1913ArticleDemographic Research201838  929-966
CRRD-SQMatthew Noellert (倪志宏)大背景下的农村社会——1935-1966年道备村社会经济构成初探Article山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 山西大学学报编辑部2018 143-49
 A Zhang, Y Hu, M NoellertRural Migrants and Settlement Rights in Early Twentieth-Century Shanxi: A Study of Class Background RegistersArticleRural China2018152249-276
 CGED-Q陈必佳;康文林;李中清清末新政前后旗人与宗室官员的官职变化初探——以《缙绅录》数据库为材料的分析Article清史研究2018 410-20
 梁晨从教育选拔到教育分层:民国大学院校的招生与门槛Article近代史研究2018 624-42
CMGPDEmma Zang, Cameron CampbellMales’ Later-Life Mortality Consequences of Coresidence With Paternal Grandparents: Evidence From Northeast China, 1789–1909ArticleDemography2018552435-457
CMGPDHao Dong, Matteo Manfredini, Satomi Kurosu, Wen-shan Yang, and James Z. LeeKin and birth order effects on male child mortality: Three East Asian populations, 1716-1945ArticleEvolution and Human Behavior2017382208-216
CMGPDShuang ChenState-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast ChinaBookStanford University Press2017   
 Dong, Hao and Satomi KurosuPostmarital Residence and Child Sex Selection: Evidence from Northeastern Japan,1716-1870ArticleDemographic Research201737 1383-1412
 CUSD梁晨;任韵竹;王雨前;李中清民国上海地区高校生源量化刍议Article历史研究2017 376-92
CUSD梁晨量化数据库:“数字人文”推动历史研究之关键Article江海学刊2017 2162-164
 Song Xi and Cameron D. CampbellGenealogical Microdata and Their Significance for Social ScienceArticleAnnual Review of Sociology201743 75-99
CMGPDElliott, Mark C., Cameron Campbell, and James Z. LeeA Demographic Estimate of the Population of the Qing Banners.ArticleÉtudes Chinoises: Bulletin de l’Association Française D’études Chinoises2016351 9-40
 Campbell, Cameron DLarge-scale collaboration and comparison in historical demography: Reflections on the Eurasia projectBook chapterThe Future of Historical Demography: Upside Down and Inside Out / Matthijs, Koen, Saskia Hin, Jan Kok, and Hideko Matsuo, (eds.)  Leuven : ACCO2016  193-196
 CGED-Q任玉雪;陈必佳;郝小雯;康文林;李中清清代缙绅录量化数据库与官员群体研究Article清史研究2016 461-77
CMGPDHao Dong, Cameron Campbell, Satomi Kurosu, Wen-shan Yang, and James Z. Lee.New Sources for Comparative Social Science: Historical Population Panel Data from East Asia.Article Demography2015523 1061-1088
CMGPDXi Song, Cameron D. Campbell, James Z. LeeAncestry Matters: Patrilineage Growth and ExtinctionArticleAmerican Sociological Review2015803574-602
CMGPDHao Dong, Cameron Campbell, Satomi Kurosu, and James Z. LeeHousehold Context and Individual Departure: The Case of Escape in Three  ‘Unfree’East Asian Populations, 1700 – 1900ArticleChinese Journal of Sociology201514515-539
 LI Ji 李紀God’s Little Daughters: Catholic Women in Nineteenth-Century Manchuria.BookThe University of Washington Press2015   
 CUSD梁晨;董浩;李中清量化数据库与历史研究Article历史研究2015 2113-128
 CUSD梁晨;董浩必要与如何:基于历史资料的量化数据库构建与分析 以大学生学籍卡片资料为中心的讨论Article社会201535294-108
CMGPDHao Dong, James Z. LeeKinship matters: Long-term mortality consequences of childhood migration, historical evidence from northeast China, 1792–1909ArticleSocial Science & Medicine2014119 274-283
CMGPDShuang Chen, Cameron Campbell, James Z. LeeCategorical Inequality and Gender Difference: Marriage and Remarriage in Northeast China, 1749-1913Book chapterSimilarity in Difference: Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900/Christer Lundh, Satomi Kurosu. London: The MIT Press2014  Chapter 11, 393-438
 任玉雪;武洋论清代奉天地区的市钱Article清史研究2014 413-27
 CUSD梁晨, 张浩, 李兰, 阮丹青, 康文林, 李中清无声的革命: 北京大学、苏州大学的学生社会来源 1949-2002Book北京:三联出版社2013  314 pp.
 CUSD梁晨;李中清贫寒之家大学之路的变迁Article读书2013 9141-148
 李中清(James Z. Lee)中国西南边疆的社会经济Book人民出版社2012   
 Dribe, Martin, Jan Van Bavel, and Cameron Campbell, edsSocial mobility and demographic behavior: Long term perspectives ArticleDemographic Research201226 173-190
 康文林历史人口学Book chapter人口学 /梁在编. 北京: 中国人民大学出版社2012  233-265
 CUSD梁晨;李中清;张浩;李兰;阮丹青;康文林;杨善华;无声的革命:北京大学与苏州大学学生社会来源研究(1952—2002)Article中国社会科学2012 198-118
CMGPDCameron D. Campbell, James Z. LeeKinship and the long-term persistence of inequality in Liaoning, China, 1749-2005ArticleChinese Sociological Review201144171-104
 Matthew Z. NoellertDebating Morals and the Discourse of Social Change in the Anthropology of Modern ChinaArticleAnthropological Quarterly2011843757-767
 梁晨民国前期国立大学教员薪俸的规定与问题——以北京大学为中心的考察Article民国研究2011 137-54
CMGPDNoriko Tsuya, Wang Feng, George Alter, James Z. Lee, et alPrudence and Pressure: Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900BookCambridge, Mass:MIT Press.2010  380 pp.
CMGPDCameron D. Campbell, James Z. LeeFertility control in historical China revisited: New methods for an old debateArticleThe History of the Family2010154 370-385
CMGPDShuang Chen, James Z. Lee, Cameron CampbellWealth stratification and reproduction in Northeast China, 1866–1907ArticleThe History of the Family2010154386-412
CMGPDWANG Linlan, James Z. Lee and Cameron CampbellInstitutions and inequality:  Comparing the Zongshi and the Jueluo in the Qing Imperial Lineage.ArticleSungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies201010133-61
CMGPDCampbell, Cameron and James Z. LeeDemographic impacts of climatic fluctuations in Northeast China, 1749-1909Book ChapterDemographic Responses to Economic and Environmental Crisis/ Edited by Satomi Kurosu, Tommy Bengtsson, Cameron Campbell. Kashiwa, Chiba: Reitaku University2010   107-132
 任玉雪再论清代东北的旗、民管理体制Article学术界2010 3183-192
 Kurosu, Satomi, Tommy Bengtsson, and Cameron Campbell, edsDemographic Responses to Economic and Environmental CrisisBookKashiwa: Reitaku University Press.2010