
Lee-Campbell Group publications and projects have won 17 academic prizes or other recognition, including two publicly released data projects, one conference paper, four books and two articles initially published in English and two books and four articles initially published  in Chinese.  13 of the authors are current or former group members: Cameron Campbell, Bijia Chen, Shuang Chen, Hao Dong, James Z. Lee, Lan Li, Chen Liang, Bamboo Y. Ren, Danching Ruan, Feng Wang, Yuqian Wang, Emma Zang, and Hao Zhang.

  • At the 2023 International Conference on Process Mining in Rome on October 23-27, “State Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants” was awarded “Best Out of the Box Paper”.
  • At the Chinese Digital Humanities 2022 Annual Meeting 中国数字人文2022年会, the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu (JSL) 中国多世代人口数据库 was awarded the “最佳项目奖” (Best Project Prize).
  • The Jiangsu Academy of Philosophical and Social Sciences awarded Chen Liang, Bamboo Yunzhu Ren, Yuqian Wang, James Z. Lee,  2017, <民国上海大学生社会来源量化研究,1913-1949>,  《历史研究》(Historical Research) 第三期 (May): 76-92,  a 2020 second prize (二等奖) for Outstanding Achievement in Philosophy and Social Science
  • At the Chinese Digital Humanities 2020 Annual Meeting 中国数字人文2020年会, the China Multigenerational Panel Dataset (CMGPD) 中国多代人口数据库 was awarded the  “最佳题材奖” (Best Disciplinary Impact Prize)
  • The American Sociological Association Section on Asia/Asian-America awarded Emma Zang and Cameron Campbell, 2018, “Males’ Later-Life Mortality Consequences of Coresidence With Paternal Grandparents: Evidence From Northeast China, 1789-1909” Demography. 55(2):435-57 the “Best Graduate Student Paper” for 2018.
  • Demographic Research named Bijia Chen, Cameron Campbell, and Hao Dong, 2018, “Interethnic marriage in Northeast China, 1866– 1913” Demographic Research 38(34):929-966 as the 2018 “Editor’s Choice”
  • The Association of College and Research Libraries named Shuang Chen, 2017, State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China, Stanford University Press, as a  2017 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title
  • The Jiangsu Academy of Philosophical and Social Sciences awarded Chen Liang, Hao Dong, Bamboo Y. Ren, James Z. Lee, 2017, <江山代有才人出,各领风骚数十年:中国精英教育四段论,1865-2014> 《社会学研究》(Sociological Research) 第三期 (May/June): 48-70, a 2017 third prize (三等奖) for Outstanding Achievement in Philosophy and Social Science
  • The PRC Ministry of Education named Chen Liang, Hao Dong, James Z. Lee, 2015,  <量化数据库与历史研究> (Big Historical Data and New Directions in Historical Research) 《历史研究》(Historical Research). Vol 2 (April 2015): 113-128 one of eleven publications to win a 优秀青年成果奖 (Talented Young Academic Achievement Award)
  • The Tsinghua Journal awarded Chen Liang and James Z. Lee, 2014, <大数据,新史实与理论演进—以学籍卡材料的史料价值与研究方法为中心的讨论> (Recent Advances in Big Data, New Historical Facts and Social Theory — A Discussion Based on New Research Using University Student Records)《清华大学学报》(哲学社会科学版) 2014 年第五期:104-113 the 2015 Parkson Best Article Award
  • The Jiangsu Academy of Philosophical and Social Sciences awarded Chen Liang, Hao Zhang, Lan Li, Danqing Ruan, Cameron Campbell, James Z. Lee, 2013, 《无声的革命: 北京大学、苏州大学的学生社会来源 1949-2002》 (Silent Revolution: The Social Origins of Peking University and Soochow University Undergraduates, 1949-2002) Beijing Sanlian, a 2014 third prize(三等奖)for Outstanding Achievement in Philosophy and Social Science
  • The Japanese Population Association awarded Noriko Tsuya, Wang Feng, George Alter, James Z. Lee, et al. 2010, Prudence and Pressure: Reproduction and Human Agency in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900, MIT Press, the 2012 Biennial Prize for Best Book or Article published in 2009 and 2010 in Population Studies
  • The Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences named James Z. Lee and Wang Feng, 2006, La population Chinoise: mythes and réalités (The Population of China: Myths and Realities) Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, a 2007 Finalist for the Prix Jean-Charles-Falardeau Prize for Best French‑language book in the Social Sciences
  • The American Sociological Association Asia and Asian America Section awarded Tommy Bengtsson, Cameron Campbell, James Lee, et al.  2004, Life Under Pressure: Mortality and Living Standards in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900, MIT Press, the 2005 Biennial Prize for Outstanding Book on Asia
  • The Chinese Academic Yearbook《中国学术年鉴》named Yizhuang Ding, Songyi Guo, James Z. Lee, and Cameron Campbell, 2004,《辽东移民的旗人社会》(Banner Society and the Settlement of Eastern Liaodong) Shanghai shehui kexue chubanshe, one of the top five history books of 2004年出版的五本最佳历史著作之一
  • The Social Science History Association awarded James Z. Lee and Wang Feng, 1999, One Quarter of Humanity: Malthusian Mythology and Chinese Realities, 1700-2000, Harvard University Press, the 2000 Allan Sharlin Award for Best Book in Social Science History
  • The American Sociological Association Population Section awarded James Z. Lee and Wang Feng, 1999, One Quarter of Humanity: Malthusian Mythology and Chinese Realities, 1700-2000, Harvard University Press, the 2000 Otis Dudley Duncan Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Social Demography