Categories: All Posts Datasets Honors, Awards, Prizes Meetings Transitions Publications
- New article in Explorations in Economic History (3/21/2025)
- New article on the urban migration of rural elites in The China Quarterly (2/12/2025)
- New article by Hu Cunlu using CGED-Q in 近代史研究 (10/12/2024)
- Emma Zang and James Lee Publish an Article in Sociology on Family Background and Students’ Fields of Study (9/17/2024)
- Liang Chen Publishes an Article in 近代史研究 on Career Trajectories of Tsinghua Students Studying in the U.S. between 1909 and 1944 (8/28/2024)
- Liang Chen and James Lee Publish an Article in 中国社会科学 on Female University Students in Republican-era China (8/28/2024)
- New paper on the organizational demography of Qing officialdom in 社會科學研究 (4/4/2024)
- New publication using process mining to study the careers of Qing officials in the CGED-Q JSL (9/9/2023)
- New 大数据与中国历史 Chinese translation of Cameron Campbell’s and James Lee’s 40 year career retrospective is now available (6/6/2023)
- English version of forthcoming paper on the organizational demography of the Qing civil service (6/3/2023)
- Hao Dong publishes a new Chinese article in 社会学研究 on the effect of China’s cooling-off period policy on trends in divorce registration (3/26/2023)
- Hao Dong publishes a new article in Demography on post-1900 trends in educational assortative marriage in China (3/26/2023)
- New paper by others using CMGPD-LN (1/31/2023)
- James Lee, Bamboo Ren, and Chen Liang Publish an Updated Version of their 2020 China Quarterly Article “Meritocracy and the Making of the Chinese Academe, 1912-1952” (9/23/2022)
- Chinese Translation of Campbell’s and Lee’s Historical Chinese Microdata: 40 Years of Dataset Construction by the Lee-Campbell Research Group (9/10/2022)
- New paper on nominative linkage in the CGED-Q in Historical Life Course Studies (9/10/2022)
- Xue Qin publishes lead-authored article on officials in the Ministry of Personnel in the late Qing using the CGED-Q (5/31/2022)
- Hao Dong publishes a new article in PNAS on social mobility trends in post-revolution China (2/18/2022)
- Newly published volume 3 of Big Data and the Study of Chinese History (大数据与中国历史研究) includes chapters by Lee-Campbell Group members (10/3/2021)
- Hao Dong publishes a new article in the History of the Family on adopted children’s survival differentials and gender differences in Tokugawa Japan (8/19/2021)
- Chen Liang, Bamboo Y. Ren, and James Z. Lee publish a new article in《近代史研究》on the Geographic Origins of University Students During the Republic of China (6/3/2021)
- Cameron Campbell’s 2020 paper on exam degree holders at the end of the Qing mentioned in 2020年历史学研究发展报告 (5/1/2021)
- Paper on CGED-Q visualization in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics by Bijia Chen, Cameron Campbell and others (3/24/2021)
- Dong Hao publishes new article in Chinese Sociological Review on family background effects on labor market outcomes of first-generation college graduates in China (3/13/2021)
- Bamboo Ren, Chen Liang, and James Lee publish new article in China Quarterly on “Meritocracy and the Making of the Chinese Academe, 1912-1952” using the CUSD-ROC, CUSD-OS, and CPOD-UE (1/18/2021)
- Beijing Science Press publishes Liang Chen’s new book on Republican-era Tsinghua University faculty and staff (12/21/2020)
- University of Michigan Press publishes Matt Noellert’s New Book on Communist Land Reform using the CRRD-LR (12/18/2020)
- New paper on prefects during the Qing using the CGED-Q (10/6/2020)
- New paper recapping 40 years of ‘big data’ research on population, family and social history by James Lee, Cameron Campbell and collaborators (9/11/2020)
- New paper by Cameron Campbell on exam degree holders at the end of the Qing (7/20/2020)
- Extended discussion of Silent Revolution (无声的革命) in a video by Professor Yu Liang (余亮) (7/15/2020)
- English language paper introducing the CGED-Q published in the Journal of Chinese History (6/17/2020)
- Paper on assortative marriage in rural Shanxi during the mid-20th century published in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (2/4/2020)
- Bijia Chen publishes comment on jinshenlu 縉紳錄 as a source (1/9/2020)
- Paper on Banner officials in the Qing civil service 1900-1912 published in 清史研究 (12/5/2018)
- Paper on interethnic marriage during the Qing designated “Editor’s Choice” by the journal Demographic Research (8/6/2018)
- Paper on ethnic intermarriage during the Qing by Lee-Campbell Group members (7/10/2018)
- New Article on Changes in the Social and Geographic Origins of China’s Educated Elites (1865-2014) Published in 《社会学研究》 (6/9/2017)
- Review Article by Song and Campbell on Multi-generational Data for Social Science Research Published in Annual Review of Sociology (6/7/2017)
- Computer Scientists Use CMGPD to Develop Visualization Tools for Genealogical Data (5/7/2017)
- University of Washington Press Publishes Paperback Edition of Li Ji’s “God’s Little Daughters: Catholic Women in Nineteenth-Century Manchuria” (3/16/2017)
- Stanford University Press Publishes Shuang Chen’s New Book “State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China” (3/16/2017)
- New Article by Hao Dong, James Lee, and Co-authors Published in Evolution and Human Biology (3/15/2017)
- First publication on our China Government Employee Database – Qing (CGED-Q) (12/18/2016)