Stanford University Press Publishes Shuang Chen’s New Book “State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China”

Shuang Chen’s book State-Sponsored Inequality: The Banner System and Social Stratification in Northeast China, published by Stanford University Press, was on display for the first time at the publisher’s stand at the 2017 Association for Asian Studies meeting in Toronto. To learn more about the book, please see the publisher’s website.

Here is a picture of the book at the stand:


New Article by Hao Dong, James Lee, and Co-authors Published in Evolution and Human Biology

Hao Dong and James Lee, along with their co-authors Satomi Kurosu, Matteo Manfredini, and Wenshan Yang, published their article “Kin and birth order effects on male child mortality: three East Asian populations, 1716–1945” in the March 2017 issue of Evolution and Human Biology.  Using data from several historical East Asian populations, including Taiwan, the CMGPD-LN dataset for northeast China, and Japan, they examine how family context and birth order shape mortality chances in these specific populations and discuss the implications for our understanding of human behavior overall.

The paper is available via Open Access:

First publication on our China Government Employee Database – Qing (CGED-Q)

Beginning in late 2014, with support from the Hong Kong Research Grant Council, we have been constructing a database of Qing officialdom based on the quarterly editions of the 缙绅录. We recently published an article in 清史研究 introducing this project and presenting some preliminary results. We show that during the Qing there were three entry ways to the Road to Success: political appointment largely of bannermen, examination qualifications, and purchased offices. A PDF of the Chinese-language paper is available along with English and Chinese language abstracts.

Here’s the full reference:

任玉雪 (Yuxue REN), 陈必佳 (Bijia CHEN), 郝小雯 (Xiaowen Hao), 康文林 (Cameron Campbell), 李中清 (James Z. Lee). 2016. “清代缙绅录量化数据库与官僚群体研究  清史研究 (The Qing Jinshenlu Database: A New Source for the Study of Qing Officials)”  清史研究 (Qing History Research). 2016年11月第四期:61-77.