Category: publication

  • Emma Zang and James Lee Publish an Article in Sociology on Family Background and Students’ Fields of Study

    An article by Emma Zang, Yining Milly Yang, and James Lee on how the family background affects students’ fields of study across different historical periods in China has been published in Sociology. Emma Zang was one of our group alumni who earned her MPhil in Social Science from HKUST in 2014 and is now an…

  • Liang Chen Publishes an Article in 近代史研究 on Career Trajectories of Tsinghua Students Studying in the U.S. between 1909 and 1944

    Chen Liang (梁晨) published a new article 《1909—1944年清华留美学生职业状况量化研究》 in 《近代史研究》(Modern Chinese History Studies) on the career trajectories of Tsinghua students studying in the U.S. between 1909 and 1944. Here is the Chinese abstract: 借助数字技术并经人工比对,可从大量数字文献和数据库中收集到晚清民国清华选派的绝大多数留美学生的工作信息。该工作不仅为系统研究清华留美学生职业获得与发展建立数据基础,也为突破量化史学主要依靠结构性史料的局限提供了示例。分析清华留美学生多个时间节点的职业信息可知,他们回国初期主要在学校和实业部门工作,在实现“学以致用”的同时,初期职业较一般留学生更具专业性,后期职业则多有变动。其职业变动与国家局势颇为相关,“学以报国”的倾向更为明显。与此同时,留美学生群体的聚集性也逐步显现,同学关系在个人发展中的推动作用不断增强。清华留美学生职业发展的基础是重视客观选拔和系统培养,强调理论学习与实践运用相结合,可为后世提供借鉴。 关键词  清华 留美学生 职业生涯 量化历史 数字技术 Full reference: 梁晨. 1909—1944年清华留美学生职业状况量化研究. 《近代史研究》2024年第4期. Here is the link to the full text: Thanks to Yueran Hou of HKUST for the…

  • Liang Chen and James Lee Publish an Article in 中国社会科学 on Female University Students in Republican-era China

    Chen Liang (梁晨) and James Z. Lee (李中清) published an article 《社会转型与中国近代女大学生的教育样态》 in 《中国社会科学》(Social Sciences in China) on the female university students in Republican-era China using the CUSD-ROC databases. Here is the abstract in Chinese and English: 在近代社会转型背景之下,中国女大学生的教育环境和教育选择既与传统中国女性迥异,也与欧美不尽相同。一方面,随着女禁解除,男女同校的教育形式被中国高校普遍采纳,高校女大学生的制度环境较为宽松;另一方面,女大学生的社会来源和地理分布较男生更为集中,女子进入高等教育的门槛明显高于男生,在看似相对宽松的教育环境背后隐藏着更难逾越的阶层限制。大学之门平等向女性开放,是新中国成立后才逐渐发展形成的。这不仅有助于推进近代中国女性教育研究,也为理解全球近代女性平等的发展历程提供了中国经验。 One of the most radical and important social changes in the twentieth century is the opening of tertiary education to women.…

  • New paper on the organizational demography of Qing officialdom in 社會科學研究

    A paper by Cameron Campbell and Shuaiqi GAO on the organizational demography of Qing officialdom has been published in 社會科學研究. You can read it in its entirety in a post at the journal’s official account. You can download the PDF at the entry for the paper at the journal’s website. The English version is available…

  • New publication using process mining to study the careers of Qing officials in the CGED-Q JSL

    Adam Burke at the Queensland University of Technology lead-authored a paper “State Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants” that introduces a new process mining technique he calls ‘state snapshot process discovery’ and illustrates it by application to our CGED-Q JSL data on the careers of jinshi officials. Cameron Campbell is…

  • New 大数据与中国历史 Chinese translation of Cameron Campbell’s and James Lee’s 40 year career retrospective is now available

    The 4th edition of the annual 大数据与中国历史 (Big Data and Chinese History), edited by Fu Haiyan at Central China Normal University, is out now from 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Science Documents Publishing House). It includes a Chinese translation of my and James Lee’s career retrospective, summarizing our work over the last four decades constructing and analyzing historical…

  • English version of forthcoming paper on the organizational demography of the Qing civil service

    社會科學研究 (Social Science Research) published by the Sichuan Academy of Social Science has accepted our paper “The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1911” and tentatively scheduled it for publication in 2024. In the meantime, they have given permission for us to share the original English language version: The Organizational Demography of the Qing…

  • Hao Dong publishes a new Chinese article in 社会学研究 on the effect of China’s cooling-off period policy on trends in divorce registration

    Hao Dong has just published a single-authored paper in the top Chinese-language sociology journal 社会学研究 (Sociological Studies) titled 此情或可待:“离婚冷静期”规定对离婚登记数量趋势的影响 (A Wait Perhaps Worthwhile:The Influence of a “Cooling-off” Period on Trends in Divorce Registration) Here is the Chinese abstract and English translation: 本文关注“离婚冷静期”规定对离婚登记数量趋势的影响,间接探讨了冲动等不可观测主观因素在我国离婚决策中的角色。基于民政部2018—2021年省—季度统计数据,辅以国家统计局、裁判文书网、百度指数等数据,本研究通过事件研究和双重差分等政策评估方法交叉验证发现,“冷静期”使得各省各季度离婚登记数量平均减少1.03~1.32万对,较前三年降低了33%~42%。在以往复婚较普遍、青年离婚占比较大、对“冷静期”等离婚相关信息搜索较多的地区降幅更大,揭示了部分潜在作用机制。 This study examines the influence of a 30-day “cooling-off” period policy on trends…

  • Hao Dong publishes a new article in Demography on post-1900 trends in educational assortative marriage in China

    Hao Dong and his collaborator Yu Xie have published a paper in Demography titled “Trends in Educational Assortative Marriage in China Over the Past Century.” Here is the abstract: In the past century, China has undergone rapid and dramatic social and economic changes. This article describes trends in educational assortative marriages of cohorts born in…

  • New paper by others using CMGPD-LN

    We were pleased to learn that Yu Bai, Yanjun Li, and Pak Hong Lam had just published a paper “Quantity-quality trade-off in Northeast China during the Qing dynasty” in the Journal of Population Economics using the public release of the CMGPD-LN! We hope their paper along with other recent publications by others using the dataset…