New article in Explorations in Economic History

James Lee and Cameron Campbell just published “Socioeconomic differences in population growth in 19th century Liaoning, China: a decomposition” in Explorations in Economic History that divides population growth in Liaoning in the 19th century into the shares contributed by different time periods and different socioeconomic groups.

This paper ties together several decades of work by Cameron Campbell, James Lee, and others on differentials in demographic outcomes like mortality, fertility and marriage. They have published numerous papers looking at how economic conditions, community context, and household and individual socioeconomic and other characteristics affected these demographic outcomes. These papers used patterns of differentials to map differences in access to the resources required to marry, have children, and avoid death.

The new paper examines how these patterns of differentials combined to determine the contributions that different groups and different time periods made to population growth. The paper compares the contributions made by households, lineages and communities of different sizes, as well as households with different numbers of members. Time periods are defined by grain prices. Like earlier articles, the paper makes use of data from the CMGPD-LN.

The paper is available open access here:

New article on the urban migration of rural elites in The China Quarterly

A new article by Matthew Noellert and Xiangning Li on the urban migration of rural elites in the early PRC is now available online in The China Quarterly: The article uses data from an urban county seat included in the CRRD-SQ dataset.


We present findings from historical microdata that suggest former rural elites effectively preserved their socio-economic advantages into the early People’s Republic of China (PRC, circa 1949–1965) by exploiting urban–rural differences in government policies. In particular, former rural elites were three to four times more likely than poor peasants to move to a nearby town, and this urbanization was highly associated with socio-economic privileges in a rapidly developing economy, including both income and educational opportunities. We also find evidence that after 1949, former rural elites who did urbanize were more likely than their poor peasant counterparts to find industrial jobs.



Here is the full reference:

Noellert, Matthew, and Xiangning Li. 2025. “Internal Migration and the Continuity of Local Elites in North China, 1949–1965.” The China Quarterly, February, 1–20.

The print version will appear in June 2025, Vol. 262.

New article by Hu Cunlu using CGED-Q in 近代史研究

We were delighted to learn that Hu Cunlu (胡存璐), an assistant professor at Central China Normal University who recently completed her PhD at Renmin University, has just published an article “清代山西知县空间流动的量化分析 (A Quantitative Analysis of Spatial Mobility of County Magistrates in Shanxi in Qing Dynasty)” in 近代史研究 (Modern Chinese History Studies). The article makes use of China Government Employee Database-Qing Jinshenlu 中国历史官员数据库–清代缙绅录 (CGED-Q JSL) that we shared with her. She also makes use of county gazetteer data collected by Renmin University. We hope this article along with other recent publications using the CGED-Q will inspire others to use the public CGED-Q, or CGED-Q data that we have shared with them.

Here is the link to the article:

If you publish an article that makes use of the CGED-Q, please let us know so we can help publicize it!

Emma Zang and James Lee Publish an Article in Sociology on Family Background and Students’ Fields of Study

An article by Emma Zang, Yining Milly Yang, and James Lee on how the family background affects students’ fields of study across different historical periods in China has been published in Sociology. Emma Zang was one of our group alumni who earned her MPhil in Social Science from HKUST in 2014 and is now an assistant professor at Yale University. Congratulations to Emma Zang and James Lee!

Here is the abstract of the article:

How family background affects students’ fields of study across different historical periods in China is not well studied. Post 1949, China explicitly prioritized specific industrial sectors when allocating resources, creating an especially strong reason to expect that the industrial sector in which a parent was employed might strongly influence a child’s educational outcomes and career aspirations. Using data from the school registration records of 51,801 students who entered an elite regional university from 1952 through 2002, this study is the first to examine the role of parents’ industrial sectors in predicting children’s fields of study and the temporal patterns of this association. Applying multinomial logistic regression and the log-multiplicative layer effect model, we found that parents’ industrial sectors predicted children’s fields of study independent of parents’ broad categories of occupation. The strength of the association was particularly strong during the Cultural Revolution and post-market transition periods.

Here is the link to the full text:

Zang, E., Yang, Y. M., & Lee, J. Z. (2024). Parents’ Industrial Sectors and Fields of Study: Five Decades of Evidence from an Elite Regional University in China. Sociology, 0(0).

Liang Chen Publishes an Article in 近代史研究 on Career Trajectories of Tsinghua Students Studying in the U.S. between 1909 and 1944

Chen Liang (梁晨) published a new article 《1909—1944年清华留美学生职业状况量化研究》 in 《近代史研究》(Modern Chinese History Studies) on the career trajectories of Tsinghua students studying in the U.S. between 1909 and 1944.

Here is the Chinese abstract:


关键词  清华 留美学生 职业生涯 量化历史 数字技术

Full reference: 梁晨. 1909—1944年清华留美学生职业状况量化研究. 《近代史研究》2024年第4期.

Here is the link to the full text:

Thanks to Yueran Hou of HKUST for the statistical calculations.

Liang Chen and James Lee Publish an Article in 中国社会科学 on Female University Students in Republican-era China

Chen Liang (梁晨) and James Z. Lee (李中清) published an article 《社会转型与中国近代女大学生的教育样态》 in 《中国社会科学》(Social Sciences in China) on the female university students in Republican-era China using the CUSD-ROC databases.

Here is the abstract in Chinese and English:


One of the most radical and important social changes in the twentieth century is the opening of tertiary education to women. This article uses the China University Student Dataset-Republic of China (CUSD-ROC) and related education statistics in the Republican period, to understand better the early history of female tertiary education in China. By analyzing and contrasting student spatial and social origins by gender as well as different gender preferences for student majors, we demonstrate that many features of female education in Republican China differ from China in the past and elsewhere in. the world.

关键词:社会转型 女大学生 社会来源 量化历史

Keywords: Female university students, spatial origins, social origins, major selection, quantitative history

Full reference: 梁晨, 李中清. 社会转型与中国近代女大学生的教育样态. 《中国社会科学》2024年第6期, 162-183.

Here is the link to the full text:

We sincerely thank Bamboo Ren for her help with the writing!

New paper on the organizational demography of Qing officialdom in 社會科學研究

A paper by Cameron Campbell and Shuaiqi GAO on the organizational demography of Qing officialdom has been published in 社會科學研究. You can read it in its entirety in a post at the journal’s official account. You can download the PDF at the entry for the paper at the journal’s website. The English version is available at Soc ArXiv.

The article was one of seven journal articles selected for inclusion in the History (历史) category in April 2024《中国社会科学文摘》(China Social Science Digest).


中国历史官员量化数据库——(清)缙绅录(CGED?Q JSL)中文官的纵向关联记录揭示了19世纪清代文官整体的职业动态。定量分析的结果表明,清代官僚系统的总体情况就像一个当代的大型组织,文官离职率在任职的第一年内很高,然后下降,之后趋于稳定。19世纪下半叶,官员的离职率整体下降,但于清末十年中上升。官员离职率下降导致拥有功名的候缺待补官员群体谋求仕途和进一步晋升的机会不断减少。同时,异途官员的人数不断增加,加剧了官场竞争。不同类别、品级官员的职业动态在不同历史时期的变化趋势差异较大,尤其是高品级官员的离职率对清代后期的官场平衡具有深刻影响。清代文官的职业动态一方面揭示了清代文官组织人口学的基本特征,另一方面也为解释清代特定官员群体或特定时期的官员个案研究提供了重要参考。

We study the organizational demography of the Qing civil service from 1830 to 1911. Before the 20th century, the Qing bureaucracy was one of the largest non-military organizations in the world in terms of numbers of regular employees. At any given time, approximately 13,000 officials held formal appointments. We present the basic features of its organizational demography using data on nearly all civil officials with formal appointments from 1830 to 1912. We make use of longitudinally linked records of officials in the China Government Employee Database – Jinshenlu (CGED-Q JSL) to reconstruct rates of exit from service, the career lengths of officials, and the number of years since first appointment for currently serving officials. While previous studies of the Qing have examined turnover in specific types of posts, they have not considered the dynamics of complete careers. We find that exit rates in the first year of service were high and then low and stable afterward. While most officials only served for a short time, currently serving officials were relatively experienced. We also show that rates of exit from service declined for much of the last half of the 19th century, and then increased in the first decade of the 20th century. Declining turnover in the last half of the 19th century would have reduced opportunities for degree holders seeking posts and for officials seeking promotion at a time when the number of holders of purchased degrees competing for posts was increasing. We also compare different categories of officials. The results not only illuminate basic features of the organizational demography of Qing officialdom, but also provide a baseline for interpreting results from case studies of specific groups of officials or specific time periods.

Here is the full reference:

康文林 (Cameron Campbell) and 高帅奇(Gao Shuaiqi). 2024. 清代文官的组织人口学研究, 1830-1911 (The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1911). 社会科学研究 (Social Science Research). 1:157-169.

New publication using process mining to study the careers of Qing officials in the CGED-Q JSL

Adam Burke at the Queensland University of Technology lead-authored a paper “State Snapshot Process Discovery on Career Paths of Qing Dynasty Civil Servants” that introduces a new process mining technique he calls ‘state snapshot process discovery’ and illustrates it by application to our CGED-Q JSL data on the careers of jinshi officials. Cameron Campbell is a co-author. The paper has been accepted for presentation at the 5th International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM2023), in Rome, Italy, in October 2023.

A pre-print of the paper is available at Adam’s website:

Here is a figure from the paper that summarizes the empirical reconstruction of the careers of first and second tier (一甲 and 二甲) jinshi in the years after they earned their degree. One of the attractions of the CGED-Q JSL for demonstrating this technique was that there were canonical career pathways specified by regulations for such high-ranked degree holders, thus it was possible to assess whether the empirical results derived from the data were consistent with the canonical career pathways. We hope that extensions of this technique, and possibly other techniques, can be used to explore the trajectories of officials with more mundane qualifications.

For this paper, Cameron Campbell helped Adam and the other collaborators (Sander Leemans and Moe T. Wynn) understand the data that we provided, and advise on adjustments to accommodate undocumented or otherwise unanticipated features of the data in successive iterations, and then assist in the writing of sections related to the data and the historical context, background on the social science studies of careers, the interpretation of the results.

We are happy to collaborate with computer scientists and other researchers developing techniques for understanding careers and trajectories more generally in complex longitudinal data, who need data like the CGED-Q to showcase their approaches.

New 大数据与中国历史 Chinese translation of Cameron Campbell’s and James Lee’s 40 year career retrospective is now available

The 4th edition of the annual 大数据与中国历史 (Big Data and Chinese History), edited by Fu Haiyan at Central China Normal University, is out now from 社会科学文献出版社 (Social Science Documents Publishing House). It includes a Chinese translation of my and James Lee’s career retrospective, summarizing our work over the last four decades constructing and analyzing historical population and other databases for China.

The full text is available here.

Here is a link to the volume’s page at Dangdang in case you want to order:

The English language original of our retrospective is available here:

Here is the complete reference for the Chinese language translation:

康文林 (Cameron Campbell),李中清 (James Lee). 2023. 中国历史量化微观大数据:李中清-康文林团队40 年学术回顾 in 付海晏 Ed. 大数据与中国历史研究. 第4辑. Beijing:社会科学文献出版社 Social Sciences Academic Press (China), 74-114.

English version of forthcoming paper on the organizational demography of the Qing civil service

社會科學研究 (Social Science Research) published by the Sichuan Academy of Social Science has accepted our paper “The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1911” and tentatively scheduled it for publication in 2024. In the meantime, they have given permission for us to share the original English language version:

The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1911

Please cite the Chinese language version if you refer to it:

康文林 (Cameron Campbell) and 高帅奇(Gao Shuaiqi). 2024. 清代文官的组织人口学研究, 1830-1911 (The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service, 1830-1911). 社会科学研究 (Social Science Research). 1:161-173.

The paper is largely descriptive. It uses the CGED-Q JSL to measure the turnover of officials, career lengths, and years since appointment for currently serving officials. It was inspired by the older literature on organizational demography that sought to relate the performance of organizations to aggregate ‘demographic’ features such as their turnover, length of service and so forth. We hope that it will be a useful reference for anyone studying Qing officialdom. Previous studies of the dynamics of Qing official have focused on the lengths of appointments to specific posts, and turnover in those posts, rather than entire careers.

Here is the abstract:

We study the organizational demography of the Qing civil service from 1830 to 1911. Before the 20th century, the Qing bureaucracy was one of the largest non-military organizations in the world in terms of numbers of regular employees. At any given time, approximately 13,000 officials held formal appointments. We present the basic features of its organizational demography using data on nearly all civil officials with formal appointments from 1830 to 1912. We make use of longitudinally linked records of officials in the China Government Employee Database – Jinshenlu (CGED-Q JSL) to reconstruct rates of exit from service, the career lengths of officials, and the number of years since first appointment for currently serving officials. While previous studies of the Qing have examined turnover in specific types of posts, they have not considered the dynamics of complete careers. We find that exit rates in the first year of service were high and then low and stable afterward. While most officials only served for a short time, currently serving officials were relatively experienced. We also show that rates of exit from service declined for much of the last half of the 19th century, and then increased in the first decade of the 20th century. Declining turnover in the last half of the 19th century would have reduced opportunities for degree holders seeking posts and for officials seeking promotion at a time when the number of holders of purchased degrees competing for posts was increasing. We also compare different categories of officials. The results not only illuminate basic features of the organizational demography of Qing officialdom, but also provide a baseline for interpreting results from case studies of specific groups of officials or specific time periods.

Here’s a figure from the paper, presenting time trends in rates of exit from service in the next three months for officials with different amounts of experience: