Category: datasets
Computer Scientists Use CMGPD to Develop Visualization Tools for Genealogical Data
Qu Huamin (HKUST Computer Science) and collaborators have been using the China Multigenerational Panel Dataset-Liaoning to test and showcase visualization tools they have been developing for multidimensional genealogical data. Multidimensional refers to the fact that the genealogical data not only identify ancestors and kin, but describe additional characteristics. They recently published a paper describing these…
Lee-Campbell Research Group and Institute of Qing History Sign MOU
On 6 January 2017, a delegation from the Institute of Qing History at Renmin University visited the HKUST School of Humanities and Social Science and signed a MOU to cooperate in post graduate student training as well as the organization of a series of scholarly meetings associated with periodic public data releases from the CGED-Q…