New paper by Cameron Campbell on exam degree holders at the end of the Qing

Hu Heng at the Institute of Qing History at Renmin University just published a paper on the appointment of prefects during the Qing, with Bijia Chen and me as second and third authors. The paper makes use of spatial data as well as the government ratings of prefectures that determined who controlled the appointment of their prefects, and makes use of the CGED-Q to examine the qualifications, and previous and subsequent appointments of prefects. The paper is available here: Here is the abstract:


Prefects played an essential role in the system of local government during the Qing dynasty. Examining the process by which they were appointed, including exceptions and variations, sheds light on the governing strategies of the Qing state. We conduct spatial and quantitative analysis of the appointment of prefects based on the most recent data on the government’s ratings of the significance and difficulty (chongfanpinan and quefen) for each prefecture. The results reveal the importance of the process of appointment of variations across prefectures in transportation, government affairs, revenue collection, and public security. They collectively determined who had the authority to appoint the prefect for a prefecture: the Emperor (gingzhi que), the Board of Personnel (buxuan que), or the Governor-General (tidiao que). Appointments by the Emperor accounted for 48.3 percent of prefectures. These were in the most important regions of the country. Appointments by the Governor-General accounted for 26.1 percent of prefectures. At the beginning they were mainly in the regions where the Miao resided, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi and Hunan. Later, some prefectures on the provincial boundaries were also included. In the late Qing, prefects in all the newly created provinces were appointed by Govermors-General. Appointments by the Board of Personnel accounted for 25.6% of prefectures and they were concentrated in areas close to the boundaries of inland provinces. The spatial distribution of the classifications generally followed the government’s assessment of the difficulties of governing various regions in China, but there were exceptions and problems like the differentiation of treatment in the Southwestern boundary regions, neglect of the change of prefectures and classifications in coastal border areas and qualification immutability. The classification of prefectures was closely related to the appointment of prefects. We analyzed the career histories of 3403 prefects recorded in 37752 entries about Qing civil servants extracted from the 3,000,000 in nearly CGED-Q database. Using STATA to categorize, summarize, correlate and track these data ,, we examine the time trends in the characteristics of prefects, including the proportions of Manchu or Han prefects and their province of origin. For the latter, we focused specifically on the increase in the number of prefects from Hunan in the late Qing period. The results of our analysis make use of new data to advance our understanding of the political geography of China in the late Qing and the Republican periods. Regarding the career transitions in the civil service, 61.9 percent of prefects were transferred from posts in the central govermment and only 35.8 percent were promoted from posts in local govermments. This undoubtedly had a negative effect on the motivation of county magistrates. Prospects for promotion for prefects was generally high: 21 percent would reach higher office. For prefects who served in prefectures categorized as most significant (zuiyao gue) and significant (vao gue), the chance of promotion was between 23.5 and 26.3 percent. Those who were prefects in provincial capitals had even higher chances of being promoted: 40.5 percent. The distribution of control over the appointment of prefects and the institutional changes over time reveal the tension and competition over power between the central and local government. In the Qing, governance at the prefectural level was characterized as "blocking between the upper and the lower [level of government]". This was partly driven by the structure of the system, according to which officials were more likely to manage other officials than govern people, and prefects were more likely to be transferred from the central government than promoted from lower levels of local government. The increased power of Governor-Generals and the prevalence of temporary appointments for prefects may have been responses to these drawbacks, but the imbalance of the distribution of power was also a challenge for the state.

胡恆(Hu Heng), 陳必佳(Bijia Chen) and 康文林(Cameron D. Campbell. 2020. 清代知府選任的空間與量化分析——以政區分等、《縉紳錄》數據庫為中心 (The Appointment of Prefects during the Qing —- A Spatial and Quantitative Analysis Focusing on the System of Administrative Division and Using the CGED-Q). 新亞學報(New Asia Journal).37(August):339-398.

Extended discussion of Silent Revolution (无声的革命) in a video by Professor Yu Liang (余亮)

On July 12, 2020. Professor Yu Liang posted a video with his extended discussion of our book Silent Revolution (无声的革命) in the context of commentary on the college entrance exam (gaokao 高考).

As of 1:30pm on July 15, 2020, his discussion had been viewed 240,000 times, and ‘liked’ 22,000 times. At that time, it had 4488 messages (弹幕) posted on the video.

Silent Revolution aka Liang Chen, Zhang Hao, Li Lan, Ruan Danqing, Cameron Campbell, Lee, James. 《无声的革命: 北京大学、苏州大学的学生社会来源 1949-2002》(Silent revolution: the social origins of Peking University and Soochow University undergraduates, 1949-2002).  Beijing Joint Publishing, 2013 is an output from our CUSD-PRC project .  We are proud that this book and the larger project of which it is part, eight/nine years after our original publication, continue to have considerable academic and social impact.

English language paper introducing the CGED-Q published in the Journal of Chinese History

Our paper providing an introduction in English to the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q) is now available at the Journal of Chinese History. The paper is lead-authored by Bijia Chen and is based on the second chapter of her PhD dissertation, which she defended in 2019. The paper will appear in the July 2020 issue.

Here is the abstract:

We introduce the China Government Employee Database—Qing (CGED-Q), a new resource for the quantitative study of Qing officialdom. The CGED-Q details the backgrounds, characteristics and careers of Qing officials who served between 1760 and 1912, with nearly complete coverage of officials serving after 1830. We draw information on careers from the Roster of Government Personnel (jinshenlu), which in each quarterly edition listed approximately 12,500 regular civil offices and their holders in the central government and the provinces. Information about backgrounds and characteristics comes from such linked sources as lists of exam degree holders. In some years, information on military officials is also available. As of February 2020, the CGED-Q comprises 3,817,219 records, of which 3,354,897 are civil offices and the remainder are military. In this article we review the progress and prospects of the project, introduce the sources, transcription procedures, and constructed variables, and provide examples of results to showcase its potential.

Bijia Chen is now a postdoc at  the Renmin University Institute of Qing History.

For more information about the CGED-Q, please see the CGED-Q project page.


Page 2 – Footnote 1 – line 10 – Zhenan should be Zhinan

Page 3- second line in paragraph after heading ‘Origin, current status, and future plans…’, ‘ongoing of study’ should be ‘ongoing study’

Page 3 – Footnote 6 – line 2 – Lishi Yanjiu should be Qingshi Yanjiu

Page 8 – Footnote 22 – line 1 – Jizhi should be Jiazhi

Page 8 – Footnote 26 – line 1 – Jijie should be Ji


Paper on assortative marriage in rural Shanxi during the mid-20th century published in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility

Our paper “Education, class and assortative marriage in rural Shanxi, China in the mid-twentieth century” has been accepted at Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. The paper is lead-authored by XING Long at Shanxi University and co-authored by group members Cameron Campbell, Xiangning Li, Matthew Noellert and James Lee. A pre-print is now available open access at the site: This is something we have been working on for a while and it is great to see it coming out. More information about the larger project and the data is available here.

Here is the abstract:

This paper examines the consequences of political, economic and social change in mid-twentieth century China for patterns of assortative mating by both education and class. Traditionally in China, marriages were arranged by parents, and ideally matched families of similar socioeconomic status. However, the Marriage Law passed by the People’s Republic of China in 1950 promoted free choice and forbade arranged marriage and other interference by families in the marriage decisions of their children. Later, Land Reform, Collectivization and other movements had profound impacts on rural household organization and social relations. We investigate their effects on assortative mating by using novel linked administrative data compiled in rural Shanxi Province in North China in the mid-1960s. These data record the education and family class labels (jiating chushen) of spouses for 1459 couples in 30 villages. The class labels were assigned in the 1950s based on family landholding before the Land Reform and became hereditary. We find that class label had effects above and beyond those of education, suggesting that assortative mating studies that only consider education overlook an important dimension of social status in marriage patterns, and thereby overstate the overall permeability of boundaries between social groups. Furthermore, by comparing couples according to whether they married before or after 1949, we find that patterns of homogamy and hypergamy remained highly stable in the face of substantial social transformation after 1949.

Bijia Chen publishes comment on jinshenlu 縉紳錄 as a source

At the end of 2019, Bijia Chen published an extensive note in the Qing History Journal (清史研究) on the importance of the jinshenlu 縉紳錄 as a source of information on the Qing Civil Service, providing clarification and explanation in response to some possibly misleading points made in a 2018 清史研究 article. The full reference for and link to Bijia’s article are below.

陈必佳 (Bijia Chen). 2019. 再论《缙绅录》记载的准确性及其史料价值 (Re-visiting the Accuracy and the Robustness of the Jinshenlu as an Historical Source), 清史研究  (The Qing History Journal), 2019 (4) 129-133.


Lee-Campbell Group celebrates Xiao Xing’s retirement and contributions


James Lee and Xiao Xing

On December 13, 2019, the Lee-Campbell Group held a dinner in Beijing in honor of Xiao Xing, who retired in 2018 after working with us for 20 years.

Xiao Xing was the first coder we engaged in mainland China in 1998 after we decided to move our data entry there. She helped enter material for many of our databases, including but not limited to the CMGPD-LN, CMGPD-SC and more recently the CGED-Q. She also helped with the training of new coders. Her feedback also played a role in the specification of protocols for data entry.

James Lee, Cameron Campbell, Bijia Chen and our coders in Beijing.

It has been a tremendous pleasure to work with Xiao Xing for two decades. We are grateful for all of her contributions and wish her the best in her retirement.


PhD student Bijia Chen graduates, begins postdoc at Renmin University Department of History

Bijia Chen successfully defended her PhD dissertation on October 25, 2019. The title of her dissertation is “Origins and Career Patterns of the Qing Government Officials (1850-1912): Evidence from the China Government Employee Dataset-Qing (CGED-Q)”. Cameron Campbell was her primary advisor, James Lee was her co-advisor, and Yongshun Cai, Lawrence Zhang and Matthew Mosca served as examiners. Bijia also earned her MPhil in Social Science at HKUST. For her PhD studies she has been supported by an HKPFS.

In December 2019, Bijia started as a postdoc at the Department of History at Renmin University.

Congratulations Bijia!


Lee-Campbell Group at the Social Science History Association meetings in Chicago, November 21-24, 2019

Members of the Lee-Campbell group will be presenting 8 papers and participating as co-authors in 2 papers presented by others in 9 sessions at the Social Science History Association meetings in Chicago this November. Group members are also participating in an Author-Meets-Critics session. Below is a current schedule based on the SSHA preliminary program.

Thursday, November 21 / 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Session 5
EAP and beyond
Clark 5 – Floor 7

Chair: James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  1. Population and Living Standards in Asia and Europe, 1700-1900. an Overview of the Findings of the Eurasian Population and Family History Project. • Tommy Bengtsson, Lund University; Cameron Campbell, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Feng Wang, University of California, Irvine; Martin Dribe, Lund University; Christer Lundh, University of Gothenburg; George Alter, University of Michigan; Muriel Neven, University of Liege; Michel Oris, Université de Genève; Marco Breschi, Università degli Studi di Sassari; Matteo Manfredini, University of Parma.

Thursday, November 21 / 1:45 PM – 3:15 PM
Session 45
Education, Discrimination and Social Stratification
LaSalle 1 (Floor 7)

  1. Holders of Purchased Degrees in the Chinese Civil Service during the Late Qing (1850-1912) • Bijia Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Cameron Campbell, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Friday, November 22 / 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Session 78
Big Data in Historical Research
Grant Park Parlor (Floor 6)

  1. Public Release of the China Government Employee Database – Qing (CGED-Q) 1900-1912 • Cameron Campbell, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Bijia Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Heng Hu, Renmin University; Yuxue Ren, Shanghai Jiaotong University; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Friday, November 22 / 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Session 95
Big Data in Historical Research II
Grant Park Parlor (Floor 6)

  1. The Organizational Demography of the Qing Civil Service • Cameron Campbell, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Bijia Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Friday, November 22 / 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Session 111
Fertility Change, Timing, and Marriage
Clark 5 (Floor 7)

  1. Eight Decades of Educational Assortative Marriage in China • Hao Dong, Peking University; Yu Xie, Princeton University.

Friday, November 22 / 1:15 PM – 2:45 PM
Session 113
Development of Longitudinal Historical Data
Grand Park Parlor (Floor 6)

  1. Constructing Individual-Level Longitudinal Data for Japanese Historical Population: Challenges and Opportunities • Satomi Kurosu, Reitaku University; Hao Dong, Peking University; Miyuki Takahashi, Rissho University; Akira Hayami, Reitaku University.

Friday, November 22 / 4:45 PM – 6:15 PM
Session 152
Different Beginnings-Comparative Perspectives on Early Tertiary Education
LaSalle 1 (Floor 7)

  1. Mutable Inequality: Meritocracy, Gender, and the Making of the Chinese Academe, 1912-1953 • Bamboo Yunzhu Ren, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Chen Liang, Nanjing University; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  2. The Spatial and Social Origins of Chinese Doctoral Students in North America and Europe, 1905-1962 • Zixin Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Saturday, November 23 / 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Session 183
Roles of Kinship: Demographic Outcomes and Methodology
Clark 5 (Floor 7)

  1. The Making of Missing Girls: Comparative Evidence from Population Administrative Microdata of Three East Asian Populations, 1652-1945 • Hao Dong, Peking University; Satomi Kurosu, Reitaku University; Wen-Shan Yang, Academia Sinica; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Saturday, November 23 / 10:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Session 193
Author Meets Critics, Taisu Zhang, 2017. the Laws and Economics of Confucianism: Kinship and Property in Preindustrial China and England. Cambridge University Press
Dearborn 2 (Floor 7)

Chair: James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Discussant: Shuang Chen, University of Iowa

Discussant: James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Sunday, November 24 / 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Session 239
Political Economy and the Chinese State
Grant Park Parlor (Floor 6)

  1. Collectivization, Urbanization, and Occupational Mobility in Inland North China in the Mid-20th Century • Xiangning Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Matthew Noellert, University of Iowa; Cameron Campbell, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; James Z. Lee, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

CGED-Q 1900-1912 Jinshenlu public release workshop held at Central China Normal University

Participants at the workshopWe held a workshop on July 20-22 at Central China Normal University to introduce the China Government Employee Database-Qing (CGED-Q) Jinshenlu 1900-1912 public release. The workshop was co-organized by the Renmin University Institute of Qing History, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Division of Social Science, and Central China Normal University, and the local organizer was the Central China Normal University School of History and Culture. Faculty and students from HKUST, Renmin University, Central China Normal University and other institutions made presentations introducing the public release and other major databases, providing examples of applications, and explaining how to load the data into major statistical packages. The participants included 34 postgraduate students from a variety of institutions in the mainland and elsewhere, a number of guests from Central China Normal University and other institutions in Wuhan. The program is below.

时间 内容 主讲人
7月19日 14:00-18:30 报到
7月20日 9:00 开幕式
9:30 合影
9:45  《中国历史官员量化数据库――清代》(以下简称CGED-Q)项目的历史、现状和未来 康文林,任玉雪
10:15 介绍人民大学清史研究所数字清史实验室(清史数据共享平台) 胡恒
10:45 休息15分钟
11:00 华中师大的大数据历史研究的源起 马敏、付海晏
11:30 李中清—康文林团队其他相关科研项目介绍 李中清、任韵竹
12:30 午餐
14:00 CGED-Q项目介绍第一节


15:00 CGED-Q项目介绍第二节


16:15 清代《缙绅录》的内容来源与出版过程 阚红柳
16:45 讨论  
17:15 结束
7月21日 8:45 如何应用STATA对CGED-Q进行量化分析 陈必佳
9:45 应用Python分析CGED-Q中文官仕途的可能性和文官群体仕途的共性 王彦邦、陈煦萌
10:45 休息15分钟
11:00 应用RGIS分析CGED-Q中以县级行政区划为单位的文官系统规律及变化 张梦迪
12:00 指导使用R, STATA和Python分析数据和相关问题答疑  
12:30 午餐
14:00 CGED-Q的记录连接和其他相关议题:
15:00 文官系统中有科名的官员及旗人官员 陈必佳
15:45 清朝的回避制度 任玉雪
16:15 冲繁疲难和地方官员的任职 胡恒
16:45 讨论  
17:30 结束
7月22日 9:00


学员将被分成小组,运用R, Python或STATA进行简单的分析
10:00 休息15分钟
10:15 分享和讨论
12:15 闭幕式
12:30 结束


马  敏      华中师范大学

彭南生      华中师范大学

李中清      香港科技大学

康文林      香港科技大学

付海晏      华中师范大学

胡  恒      中国人民大学清史研究所

阚红柳      中国人民大学清史研究所

胡  迪      南京师范大学

任玉雪      上海交通大学

陈必佳      香港科技大学

任韵竹      香港科技大学

陈煦萌      香港科技大学

张梦迪      香港科技大学

王彦邦      香港科技大学

吴艺贝      上海交通大学

杨  莉      上海交通大学

Updated version of CGED-Q 1900-1912 Jinshenlu Public Release available for download

We prepared a new version of the CGED-Q 1900-1912 Jinshenlu Public Release that removes leading and trailing blank spaces from all fields. The blank spaces were introduced during the data entry process and are unnecessary. Users previously had to remove them with the trim command in STATA or the equivalent in R or whatever other package they were using.

We have also prepared a version of the release where all the column headings/variables names are in pinyin rather than Chinese characters. We learned that R and possibly some other packages have trouble with Unicode variable names.

The files are available at the usual download sites.


Renmin University: