Lee-Campbell Research Group and Institute of Qing History Sign MOU

On 6 January 2017, a delegation from the Institute of Qing History at Renmin University visited the HKUST School of Humanities and Social Science and signed a MOU to cooperate in post graduate student training as well as the organization of a series of scholarly meetings associated with periodic public data releases from the CGED-Q including the production and distribution of related scholarly materials such as a series of accompanying User Guides.

Renmin delegates included Zhu Hu 朱浒, Director of the Institute of Qing History, Hu Heng 胡恒, Vice Director of the Institute of Qing History, Liu Wenpeng 刘文鹏, Vice Director of the Institute of Qing History, and Hu Xiangyu 胡祥雨, Associate Professor at the Institute of Qing History.  HKUST counterparts included James Z. Lee, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, Cameron Campbell, SHSS Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Study, Lawrence Zhang, Assistant Professor of History, Bijia Chen, PhD candidate in social science and HKPFS recipient, and Lian Bai, the Head of the HKUST SHSS International and Mainland Program Office.