Yang Li 杨莉

My research focuses on elite education and social mobility in Republican China. I did my MPhil thesis on the structure and transformation of student groups at Nanking University(金陵大学)in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China using a big data analytic approach. As a member of the Lee-Campbell group, I participate in the study of Chinese overseas and domestic students and am responsible for the completion of the CUSD-OS and related materials and the organization and maintenance of the CUSD-ROC.

I hope to combine quantitative and traditional methods in history to understand the emergence and development of human capital particularly in STEM in twentieth-century China.


Bachelor: 2012.09-2016.07: Nanjing University, Department of History

Master: 2016.09-2019.07: Nanjing University, Department of History

Intercollegiate Exchange Experience:

2017.09-2018.01: National Sun Yat-sen University (Taiwan), College of Social Science

Doctoral:  I am a PhD student in the History of Science and Technology at Shanghai Jiaotong University and expect to graduate in 2024.

Conferences and Presentations

  1. “金陵大学学生来源与毕业走向研究”,第二届澳门大学研究生历史学论坛(The Second Historical Academic Conference in Macau University) Macau , 25-27 May , 2018
  2. “金陵大学学生来源与毕业走向研究(1928—1937)——一项基于地域维度的量化研究”,第五届量化历史研究国际年会 (The Fifth International Conference on Quantitative Historical Research) Kaifeng, Henan, July 16, 2017.
  3. SHSS Summer Global Seminars Program:Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data-Analytic Approach, Hong Kong, June26-July9, 2017.
  4. “淮南盐区盐业国有化进程研究”,北京大学第十三届史学论坛(The Thirteenth Historical Conference in Beijing University) Beijing, March31-April 2, 2017.
  5. “政府、盐商、盐民的集团重组与利益博弈——淮南盐区盐业国有化进程研究(1949-1954)”,第一届“山东大学—南京大学—南开大学”历史学研究生联合学术论坛 (The First “Shandong University- Nanjing University- Nankai University” Historical Graduate Student Union Academic Conference) Jinan, Shandong, 2-4 Dec. , 2016.


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