‘World-Leading’ Lee-Campbell Research Group Project on Social Origins of Students at Elite Universities in China, 1949-2002

Last month the Hong Kong Research Grants Council released the results of the 2020 Research Assessment Exercise assessing 16000 research outputs, 340 research impact case studies, and 190 research environment overview statements submitted by the eight Hong Kong University Grants Committee universities covering all research outputs in Hong Kong completed during the period from October 2013 to September 2019.

Only 26 of the 340 research impact case studies, including 4 of the 35 case studies submitted by HKUST, were considered to be 4 star, that is ‘world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour.’  We are pleased to announce that one of these four world leading projects was the collective research on Social Origins of Students at Elite Universities in China by the Lee-Campbell Research Group.

The UGC has just published on-line all the research impact case studies.

For the complete impact case study on Social Origins of Students at Elite Universities in China, please see


The impact was based on the book 无声的革命, published in 2013, and an article with a similar title published in 中国社会科学 in 2012, which examined the social origins of students at Peking University and Suzhou University 1949-2002:


For the overview statement on this and other impactful activities by the history faculty at HKUST, please see


For all of the RAE 2020 impact case studies, please see
