We are pleased to report that Lee-Campbell group member and PhD graduate Hao DONG has taken up a position as an Assistant Professor and Senior Research Scientist at the Center for Social Research, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Concurrently, he has been selected as a Boya Young Fellow (博雅青年学者). He is the first Boya Young Fellow to be appointed in humanities and social science at Peking University.
Hao plans to continue his comparative research on social inequality and family demography. For his studies, he makes use of such large-scale, longitudinal historical population administrative microdata as the Lee-Campbell group’s China Multigenerational Panel Databases as well as contemporary census and survey data.
Hao has eight peer-reviewed publications in English and four peer-reviewed publications in Chinese. His English-language work has appeared in Demography, Social Science and Medicine, Demographic Research, Evolution and Human Behavior, and IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. His Chinese language work has appeared in 文史哲, 社会学研究, 历史研究, 社会.
Before joining Peking University, Hao was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Paul and Marcia Wythes Center on Contemporary China and Postdoctoral Affiliate at the Office of Population Research (OPR) and Department of Sociology, Princeton University. As a postdoc at Princeton he was supervised by Yu Xie and they continue to collaborate.
Hao earned his PhD in Social Science at HKUST in 2016, supervised by James Lee with support from Cameron Campbell. While a PhD student at HKUST he was supported by the Hong Kong Postgraduate Fellowship Scheme.
Hao Dong’s website: http://www.hdong.net/